mardi 25 novembre 2008

Le stress à HK accentué par la crise / Increasing stress due to the economic crisis

Stress boils over in Hong Kong
22/11/08 by Press Digest

Even at the best of times, Hong Kong is one of the world's more stressed-out cities. Life for its seven million residents is a tension-filled mix of long working hours, fierce career competition, and the constant pressure to make money to survive rents and costs. So in these times of economic duress, with plunging stock prices and rising unemployment, that stress can boil over.
In october, caritas, a social services organization, set up a special government-funded hotline to counsel those suffering from the economic downturn. In the first month, Caritas received more than 1,000 calls from Hong Kong citizens who had lost their jobs or savings. "Hong Kong people are very stressful in their daily life", says P. Yung, a caritas manager. "If they have no money, there will be fear and worry".

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